
Rwanda Case Studies

Development of MIS platform and Website for Rwanda Cooperation Initiative Contract with Ministry of Finance

Dokuma developed an MIS platform and Website for Rwanda Cooperation Initiative (RCI). Dokuma through Aegis consult was awarded the contract for conception, design, development, and implementation of a Platform enabled website for RCI with its underlying back end for data capture, storing, analysis, and reporting linked with the e-Learning platform home-grown solutions and provide an interface for integration with new functionalities. The platform is expected to be simple and accessible to all entities that want to learn more about Rwanda’s home-grown solutions.  

Gacaca Archive Project

Digitization of Gacaca Archive records on behalf of Rwanda’s Government; a set of over 60 million hand-written pages of documents to preserve physically and digitally. Dokuma through Aegis Consult has customized a digitization workflow web application that helped in the digitization of archives. Dokuma is now working on indexing the digitized documents to be retrieved and accessible by different stakeholders in the judiciary, education, and other interested parties via a web interface.

Genocide Archive Rwanda

It is the first of its kind in Rwanda and globally, with significant collections (approximately 8000 items accessible online: photographs, objects, audio recordings, video recordings, documents, publications, and interactive maps). Mapping of genocide landmarks and reconciliation initiatives: Mapping and documentation of genocide landmarks (memorials, sites of killings, road-blocks, etc.) and reconciliation sites across Rwanda. Dokuma executed this project in collaboration with Esri Rwanda.

Zimbabwe Case Studies

Digitization of the Deeds Office in Zimbabwe

The team is currently working on a major initiative to digitize the Deeds Department in Zimbabwe, which involves transforming all hard copy deeds into electronic format.

The team is carry out the process at both the Deeds Harare and Deed Bulawayo offices. We uses advanced scanning equipment to scan documents and convert them into digital format. Meta data such as property details and owner information is extracted through the use Optical Character Recognition (OCR) software to extract the data on every image.

Scanned images and extracted meta data is then stored in a centralized database, which the team has designed. This database is highly secure, with advanced encryption and access control mechanisms to prevent unauthorized access or tampering.

Presidential Title Deed Program

The team is also involved in the Presidential Title Deed program, which aims to address the issue of informal settlements in Zimbabwe by urbanizing them and issuing title deeds to their residents. As part of the task force, the team is developed a system that will enable the efficient issuance of title deeds to these residents.

The organisation also provided new securitised paper that is to be used for the printing of new title deeds in the country.

Online Deeds Platform

In addition to the digitization of the Deeds Department, the team is also developing a Deeds system that will facilitate online searches, submissions, and payments for anything relating to the deeds department. This system will be accessible to the general public as well as for Deeds Department employees. This system is designed to streamline processes, eliminate paperwork, and improve efficiency for all stakeholders.

Business Licensing for the City of Harare

This partnership between Dokuma and the City of Harare will allow for streamlining of the business licensing process, in turn aiding the growth of businesses and the economy in the region. Essentially, the company has been contracted to provide business licensing services for the City of Harare, as well as enforce the licensing requirements.

Our company’s technology-driven approach and expertise in digital record-keeping and license processing will aid the City of Harare in improving the efficiency and effectiveness of its business licensing processes. This partnership will not only benefit the City of Harare but also the local businesses by providing a more streamlined and reliable licensing system.

Dokuma will leverage its advanced technological capabilities to ensure that the license application and renewal process is efficient, secure, and user-friendly. The enforcement of the licenses will also be done through a digital platform, which will help to reduce errors and redundancies in the process.

Overall, this partnership between Dokuma and the City of Harare will provide a modernized approach to business licensing and enforcement, resulting in a better experience for businesses and streamlined processes for the City. Our expertise in technology and digital record-keeping will play a key role in helping the City of Harare support the growth of the local economy.

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